Conventional coffee is one of the most heavily chemically processed foods in the world. When it comes to organic coffee, no synthetic fertilizers or chemicals are used in growing or production, which means the beans are cleaner!

Sourcing organic coffee is our priority in our specifications, however we are trying to increasingly prioritize coffees from Demeter certified farms OR practicing regenerative agriculture in addition to their organic certification.

We believe in the importance of soil health for both the planet and the communities we work with, which is why we have more and more of these coffees :)

We roast our coffee twice a week (Monday and Wednesday) so you receive the freshest beans possible.

Orders are shipped in 1 to 3 business days depending on your purchases.

The first step is to fill out the form, then we'll be in touch :)

We source our coffees directly from the origin and from a number of trusted importers in the United States and Canada, including RGC, Crop to Cup, InterAmerican Coffee, NJ Douek, Royal and Royal New York.

We always prioritize coffee farms that are as committed to their communities as they are to the environment.

In a perfect world, store them at room temperature in an airtight container that doesn't allow air or light to pass through. That being said... we leave our coffee in the bag next to our machine, so don't panic! ;)

You can buy our coffee in person at our two cafés in Montreal and select grocery stores. You can also add it to your Lufa Farms basket!

Yes! We deliver to Canada and the United States. Orders are shipped in 1 to 3 business days depending on your purchases.

Contrary to popular belief, coffee is not at its best during the first week after roasting, but rather two weeks after the roasting date. This allows the beans to release their natural gases, resulting in a cleaner cup. Some coffees take up to a month to reach their peak aroma! There is no real expiration date for coffee, it will only start to lose its taste slowly after degassing. We recommend finishing your bag 2 to 3 months after the roast date, or before the coffee begins to lose its flavour.

Still have questions?

Write us, we will be happy to chat with you :)